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An Offline Quiz Maker

Before, we have learned about many Quiz makers like Kahoot, Quizziz, and Socrative. Today, we will learn new quiz maker, but this one is different than the last one. Why? Because this one you don't need internet as long as you had installed it. It called Hotpotatoes. Hotpotatoes is an app that you can install it on your computer and you can use it without internet. So, you don't need to open your browser to use it.
This is the Know-how to use it:
First, you should install the program at

Scroll down until you see a box with "Download" as the title, and choose one that suits for your computer or laptop.
Second, after you install it, open the program.

The icon looks like this.
When you click the icon, the program looks like this:

Third, to make your own quiz, you can choose between JCloze (A fill-in-the-blank exercise), JMatch (A matching exercise), JQuiz (A multiple choice or short answer exercise), JCross (A crossword exercise), JMix (A jumbled sentences exercise) and The Masher (The mix of all of the J).
For my quizzes, I choose JCross and JMatch.
JMatch looks like this. You just need to put the questions and the answer side to side, and the program itself will jumble it for you. So, don't jumble it yourself.
 JCross look like this. To use it, you just need to put the words down or across. Then click the first word and click the "Add Clues" to add clues for the words.

Very easy right? You can try others by yourself.
I recommend you, guys, to use it because for me you got a lot of benefits from it.
1. You don't need internet to use it.
2. If provide many kinds of quizzes that you can choose.
3. You can do it anywhere and anytime as long as you have your computer or your laptop.
4. Very easy to use.
But I find that Hotpotatoes have some limitation:
1. Even you don't need internet to use it, but to install the program you need internet and if you have slow internet it might take a long time.
2. It looks old and confusing. For people who don't good with computers might find a hard time to use it.
3. To see the final quiz you still need internet to see it.

Even so, I still plan to use it in the future, because sometimes for me to finished a work, I might take a long time. So, if I use program that needs internet to use it, it would be troubled me. I am planning to use it in my classroom when I give quizzes to my student. I prefer to use digital quizzes than paper-based quizzes.

These are my quizzes that I made using HotPotatoes. Feel free to try!
You can answer it by reading this


  1. Hi, Jovita!
    Your explanation here is very very very clear. You attach a picture on each step. It makes the readers can easily understand and try what you explained.
    1 thing that maybe you need to improve a bit is your grammar. It is almost perfect. Just several part you made mistakes on it. Yeah, it does not really influence the readers, but if we can do better, why not?

    Okay, I think that is all. Jesus bless you.

  2. What a nice blog, Jovi. I found out myself enjoy reading it. You input some pictures in it, and they made me enjoy it even more. It's good for you to listen to what the readers said and do improvements. Keep on making creation and impress us. <3

  3. Wow! You explain it vey details. For the first time I confuse how to operate it. I think Its quite interesting but still, online quiz is more interesting. Good job !


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